
Hope everyone enjoyed their New Year, so I've recently posted something new and it'll build to its own universe when I have the time for it.


Here is a link to my Jurassic World fanfiction, which is technically a crossover given that my human OC, Kaitlyn, makes an appearance as well. But I may update the chapters and revise them as I think of what to add as a filler in between for what happens during or prior to the Indominus incident. Also, Zara doesn't die in my version, but she'll likely be scarred with PTSD.


@Alienkiller3000 I was gonna plan on starting off with a more human perspective on things for my fanfictions, as the main characters of mine are gonna be human, taking on a darker, grittier and somewhat realistic tone, and keeping the comedy pretty short and simple. The one I'm working on right now is an extended version of Batwoman: Year One, so there's a slim chance I'll by copying and pasting things but adding some scenes to make things longer, including more flashback scenes (example being that I show more of Kaitlyn's backstory and what makes her the way she is and the perspectives of other characters to her presence as her secret identity; including those like Optimus and the Autobots, the heroes of Marvel and DC, and vice versa) crossing that over with Star Wars is gonna be tricky and difficult since I wanna build up to a more heroic vibe. And if a Jurassic Park story happens in between, I'd keep it horror-ish and gritty, where the deaths caused by dinosaurs are brutal, inspired by The Lost World: Jurassic Park.


I'm also gonna write an extended version of Batwoman: Year One eventually, but it's gonna include scenes I never included.


@TyrannosaurKing I liked the cheesy and goofy writing. It added a sense of comedy into the mix. I’m perfectly fine with you starting over with your own spin and reboot. But I promise you, the original was just fine. I loved every part of it.