
Welp, tomorrow will be a lonely valentine, despite it being an occasion i wish to celebrate with someone. Kind of odd how i've never gotten to celebrate it with a special someone despite the relationships i have had. 
          	Oh well. 


When did i lose this many followers? Is it a cleanup from Wattpad? 
          Then again i'm way too inactive to be followed so meh 


@Tyrswing-Productions Yeah I went down like 200. Crazy.


@Tyrswing-Productions they started purging bot accounts


Something incredibly weird about growing up is how much easier bad thoughts go over for me all of a sudden. 
          Four years back i'd be posting almost daily about my agony hoping that somehow it would magically fix itself. Obviously it didn’t, it just made me feel worse and burn more bridges with people i wanted in my life. 
          The change is so weird, because i can distinctly remember the depressive thoughts i had back then, always feeling like they would never go over. But now? I'll just allow myself to feel bad for a day before going back to normal. 
          Growing up is so weird. 


this message may be offensive
I know its probably cringe, but when I care about somebody and they say "You don't need to do that", like excuse me? Why the fuck not? I see someone close to me who struggles, and i'm not supposed to be a support to them?
          Like nah, if we befriend deeply and i see you struggle, i'm going protective brother-bear on you, checking in on you and writing poems to show support for you aren't even the least i will give you.
          I don't give a shit about the cringe. Give me a genuine friendship and i will be that one who sends you deep words of comfort. 


If I was a good enough friend that is...


I'm lost for words. 
          31 years old, and Liam Payne is dead. I knew things were rough, but man..idk what to think. The music during the heyday was great, his solo music was ok..and the man was flawed. 
          I hope his loved ones may find peace in their hearts, and Bear find peace following this ordeal. 


@Tyrswing-Productions ohh man!! why it have to be this??!! I've been a fan of One Direction since a very long time ago, can't even believe the news...he was still young....many even thought that if they can collab one last time for their fans and all but now even if they wanted they can't because they lost one of their precious members...it's so sad to even think that but it happened....may his soul rest in peace and his loved ones and family find peace in their hearts as well.


You know how it is when you like something be it a product from someone or someone in particular? And you say to others "I really like this thing from this person" or "I like what this person makes and what they stand for", and then it turns out they're not who they present themselves as. 
          It feels like you get something dear to you ripped away from you. It feels like an emotional punishment for not knowing who someone is behind closed doors. 
          And that sucks. It really does. Like wtf am I supposed to do now with this love for something?