Hi, K, How have you been? It's been a long time. I wanted to thank you for your kind vote on my short story. I appreciate it :)

@TzeYung I'm happy to hear that you're doing well. I'm fine too; I'm trying to be active on wattpad again, despite life pushing me away. Don't worry, take your time. I understand how you feel, being all busy. I hope you'll enjoy this rewritten version; I'm looking forward to seeing your reactions. You're very welcome. You've been one of the first vocal readers and a great friend. I'll always drop by to at least greet you :) Have a wonderful day.

@DianaTheThird I am fine. I am going through a pretty rough patch now but i am coping well haha. I hope that you are doing fine too, and i see that book II is out. Will be reading that shortly in the time to come, as i have been busy these past few weeks. Thank you Diana for dropping by. It means a lot to me.