Hello, my dear readers. I have been stressed these days a bit too much, but it's worth it. I probably posted a message earlier after my results that I have been busy with it. What actually happened was there is a subject called 'DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY' in our school starting from higher section. In that subject in the finals, I got 93 out of 100 marks. But, the teacher who checked my exam copy accidently wrote 53 as total marks instead of 93. It was by mistake though. But, because of this, my position in the merit list for 6th grade's top 25 students went from top 1 to top 11. I was so stressed and worried about it. But, I did an application to the vice principal with the help of my dad and my class teacher to re-check my exam copy and that's when I happened to find out that my marks were actually 93 and I stood first in the whole 6th grade! I was honestly so shocked. Tomorrow, I am going to get the 'BEST STUDENT OF THE YEAR AT ACADEMICS' award. Wish me luck. Stay well, happy and safe, dear readers.