Dear You,
I don't like that in this book: You added Chara as a mean person. I am apart of the #CharaProtectionSquad. It is a thing. I have a book listing the members that have Wattpad. There are more on Amino apps. Chara did nothing wrong! They were filled with LevelsOf ViolencE, or LOVE, in the Genoside route when they show up. If you do the Pasifist route, they will be helpful to you. If you don't and do the Genocide route, they will give you the consequences you deserve. If you get past Sans, Chara is your judge. Sans was the one you could get past. Chara... you can't get past them. They are your ultimate judge. They choose if you are burning in hell or living in heaven. Chara is basically the justice soul after Sans is gone. Once you get to 20 LV, Chara can be existent. They can be... whole. If you do the Pasifist route, they are filled with love. Genoside, they are filled with LOVE. #Charaisnotevil
Thank you for litsening to my rambling,