It sucks being alone in a big world. that why we turn to our internet friends. I only have like 5 friends in rel life that  actually like being around.   5 people that you want to be able to see everyday.  this  starting t sound like i need to make another life book I don't know what  I might call it. Its not going to be a autobiography because that stuff is confusing so maybe just thoughts.


It sucks being alone in a big world. that why we turn to our internet friends. I only have like 5 friends in rel life that  actually like being around.   5 people that you want to be able to see everyday.  this  starting t sound like i need to make another life book I don't know what  I might call it. Its not going to be a autobiography because that stuff is confusing so maybe just thoughts.


Every door has a key. You walking in that door doesn't matter. What matters is what you did to discovery that key. You fund it. Not Him or her, so its your door.  Your one glory of seeing what lies ahead of you is behind it. Use that one key to your advantage though. Not all Doors have locks.


If say sorry it still happened. If you show your sorry you must feel bad. So the real question ask by many really is how do you show it. I personally am on a journey to apologize to someone right. Which means I feel bad. But me feeling bad isn't all that bad.  Open apologizes  never end.  I want to be Open about this...