
here we go again
          	experiencing some annoying ass writers block and have just in general lost my passion for both writing and reading as  a whole
          	yeah it sucks, alots just been going on behind the scenes and i think i need to remind you guys that i just turned 15 and life's been coming on full swing. ill be continuing the story just at a slower pace.


@USSPickleJar Please author @USSPickleJar read this recommendation for your story whose name is "displacement - murder drones":
          	  -Could you make the human protagonist of this story, after having lost his hand, I have a hatred and terror towards Uzi and the disassembly drones. that the main character finally realizes that being with the drones is dangerous, since this time he lost his hand for being with them, in addition to the fact that it is no longer safe to be with those who do not care about his life and who gives him the same if he dies. I say author that the human has to escape from them and look for a hiding place to hide from Uzi; N; and V somewhere, a place close to where the events of episodes 6 and 7 of Murder Drones will occur.


@USSPickleJar Take your time your story is doing great


Please author @USSPickleJar read this recommendation for your story whose name is "displacement - murder drones":
          -Could you make the human protagonist of this story, after having lost his hand, I have a hatred and terror towards Uzi and the disassembly drones. that the main character finally realizes that being with the drones is dangerous, since this time he lost his hand for being with them, in addition to the fact that it is no longer safe to be with those who do not care about his life and who gives him the same if he dies. I say author that the human has to escape from them and look for a hiding place to hide from Uzi; N; and V somewhere, a place close to where the events of episodes 6 and 7 of Murder Drones will occur.


here we go again
          experiencing some annoying ass writers block and have just in general lost my passion for both writing and reading as  a whole
          yeah it sucks, alots just been going on behind the scenes and i think i need to remind you guys that i just turned 15 and life's been coming on full swing. ill be continuing the story just at a slower pace.


@USSPickleJar Please author @USSPickleJar read this recommendation for your story whose name is "displacement - murder drones":
            -Could you make the human protagonist of this story, after having lost his hand, I have a hatred and terror towards Uzi and the disassembly drones. that the main character finally realizes that being with the drones is dangerous, since this time he lost his hand for being with them, in addition to the fact that it is no longer safe to be with those who do not care about his life and who gives him the same if he dies. I say author that the human has to escape from them and look for a hiding place to hide from Uzi; N; and V somewhere, a place close to where the events of episodes 6 and 7 of Murder Drones will occur.


@USSPickleJar Take your time your story is doing great


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Well, I haven't abandoned my fics.
          Really sorry for the lack of content, school hit me like a mother fucker.
          I was PLANNING to release the next chapter today, (it's like 5-6k words btw), but I've left my laptop at home, and that's where it's written. The problem is that I'll be away for 6 weeks, so I'm left with a choice; rewrite the chapter again and continue writing the rest of the chapters on my phone for now, or wait till I get home.
          Obviously, I don't want to make you guys wait any more than you already have, so I'll be writing at a somewhat slower pace on my phone while I'm in Japan.
          Thanks for sticking by me.


            I guess I'm gonna find out, cheers.


@blaleko Ykw, that's probably a better idea.
            I might publish chapters that skip the last one and then I can post it later.



            I was told by a friend to upload my works on, but after TRYING to upload a poor copy of the first chapter, i just gave up. Way too many hoops to jump through on that site just to get a chapter up.


So... It kinda did seem that I lied.
          Didn't really expect nor want things to turn out the way they have, but it appears I've DRASICALLY fallen behind.
          Exams' n whatnot have pushed me into a corner and I've actually had to pay attention in class for the first time in my life. (probably for the better)
          In all honestly, I've lost basically all of my spark and at this point considering hiatus.  I'll see how things turn out.


@USSPickleJar just every 5 years write a sentence then repeat trust me it works


            Problem is, I don't know if I can continue it yet lol.


@USSPickleJar Like i always say "a rushed story is forgettable, but a non-rushed story could change your life" ~ me 5 minutes ago listening to upbeat song