
The first chapter of Enchanted (Minlix) is up. Check it out and have fun reading it.


Danceracha biased?! I found my soulmate! *cries*


@_staykiids8_  she gets wrecked with things irl too.... A LOT


@UV_reader19 Ikrr, I get wrecked by every single of them on daily basis. And it's quite rare to find a entire danceracha biased stays so I'm happy that I met one TT


Being a danceracha biased fan is saur hard ik.


AAANNNDDDD, my school is finally over. For good. Now if i fail and have to repeat my senior year, that's a problem for later. But for now, I am officially done with school. Which means back to writing. 
          Now I have a few ( a lot ) ideas lined up so y'all can choose which story to be written and uploaded first this summer. I will make a separate page for it where y'all can vote on which story you want first within the next week.
          Thanks for giving me the time of your day.
          See y'all soon lovelies.


@UV_reader19  I so know which book I want u to update first... Anyways I hope that won't have to repeat high school, FIGHTING!!


I am sorry to say this but I will be permanently away from writing and posting for the next few months at best.
          One of the reasons being my mother is sick, borderline cancerous but still safe from it. So, ofc I have to take care of her.
          Another reason being my board exams coming up and the concerningly short span of time between it is freaking me out to study better.
          Along with these come family problems, health issues, shortage of time tbh, anxiety and other stuff. 
          So yeah, I will not be posting anything for the next few months. 
          I apologize for this drag but I cannot help it. Life is pretty hard rn.
          See y'all sometime later in the future. Hopefully.
          Bye for now.


So…. Gonna extend the deadline for now to Christmas cuz I am not satisfied with what I have written and I need time to put everything in order and also because I have too many ideas to work through with rn.
          I don’t wanna put out half assed works that will make me wanna pull my hair out in frustration after three months while re-reading so I just need more time….
          Take it like this, I wrote for 7 months, I took rest for 5 months and then I will start again for next year.
          And if I find more hate comments in dms after this because you are impatient and not respecting my wish for taking my time with my hobby, I got people with knives ready for you so beware.
          See you guys on Christmas (why can’t I use emojis in Wattpad?)


@UV_reader19 take your time... Put up things when your are ready there is no hurry see you on Christmas 


@UV_reader19 Don't worry about it, you can take all the time you need ❤️Whatever you choose to do, I'll always support you. See you on Christmas ❤️❤️❤️