
I once had a dream where I stole some plants 
          	Well not the plants but just some branches
          	Which I actually do irl
          	I take a few branches and then propagate them 
          	Can't believe my actual obsession with plants have reached my dreams 


I have reached a point where an ounce of anger causes half a day of migraines 
          Is this divine intervention anger management?


@imaverystupidperson we have medication at home
            It just comes back because the weather is really hot


I totally get that. I always gotta massage my temples. There’s some over the counter pills for migraines I think 


This is your regular reminder to
          Look at my art in the new art book
          3 new works
          I think it's in the 3 newest chapters 
          Yeah. .
          I am desperate for attention as I am starved by it 
          Feel free to say comment what you think of it 
          Summer has freed up my schedule
          But I still take as long as I do when there were classes 


Ya'll have heard of cottagecore lesbians
          Now it's time for my recent discovery of
          Lighthouse keeper gays 
          Who knows what unreal and phantasmagorical horrors they encounter in their deliriant solitude 
          Their boyfriend might even be the unspeakable horror himself in human prison


@Happychocobean same
            But they're as much of an enigma as amigara fault


@U_N_Owen_was_bahthub Sounds nice, I want ro see a light house gay