
Hi Shida (san), thank you for reading and voting for Luna chronicle! I hope u liked it as much as I do when I wrote it. By the way, welcome to wattpad!


@APromiseForever  Yeah, I suppose you're right....thanks for the encouragement...


@Uchigawa_ni_shinda17 Hmm, writing during English class and writing novels to satisfy your own passion is very different in a sense that one is quite rigid (the requirements to follow a certain writing patterns, the objectives to score a high points, the given topic which might not suit your preferred genre, and not to mention the time constraint), whereas writing for your own passion has none of those rules.
            By constantly reading, writing, editing and asking for critics to critique your work, you will, in time, find yourself improving so much when you read back at your old stories, you'll be surprised. Very surprised that there's so much room for improvement.


@APromiseForever  I'm not sure about that....I've had to write a lot of stories for my English classes  but..well...they've never been good in my opinion....and I edited and revised them a lot.... But thanks anyway..