@HomelessJala3 Thank you :)
(Sorry for not answering right away I'm been sick in bed)
They way I write stories is:
Come up with a plan
Start writing, maybe add some plot twists
Give good discretion
(sorry just I've see way too many stories where this isn't done and it annoys me so much)
Spread out the paragraphs so they're easier to read
And then check it over with spelling and grammar
It might take you a few tries to get the right story though - At the momment I'm trying to do a MLB Halloween story and I have 4 from last yeas and am on my 5th attempt for this year.
The point is to 'Keep Trying' and if you come across a time where you're stuck, take a break and come back to it later
Also keep a little note book and pen with you so if an idea does come into your head, you can write it down there and then.
Hope this was all helpful to you
U-D123 :)