
it's been so long since I've been here─ like really long, and truthfully i owe you guys an explanation. 
          	truthfully speaking, I've lost motivation to write during the past years. with school and the lack of passion to write, i had no reason to continue with my fics. i would always hold them off for the next day or make excuses to not start on chapters.
          	and if i'm being honest, all my fanfictions will be on indefinite hiatus. none of them will be deleted, so don't worry about that. 
          	i loved writing during quarantine considering i had a lot of time but life happens, hobbies change which unfortunately means leaving things behind. 
          	from the bottom of my heart thank you all for voting, commenting, and following me. even if writing isn't my passion the fact people stuck around these past years means the world to me. fanfiction is such a lovely thing that brings people together and to experience myself is a feeling that will never be replicated. 
          	so, once again, thank you everyone for everything. if you want my socials just ask I'll gladly spill them for you all. 
          	thank you all for your patience and time with me 


@Dangancast | i do have socials!! 
          	  peresonal insta: myszjpeg
          	  art insta: ryiukuus
          	  art twitter: imagameriswear1
          	  personal twitter: ryiukuus
          	  thank you for want to support me!!


@UhhhMeow All good! I'm glad you're doing alright these days :D, do you have any other socials? Like twitter, insta etc. I wish to support you on your journey!


oops, the heart emoji didn't appear in the last sentence (*´д`*)


it's been so long since I've been here─ like really long, and truthfully i owe you guys an explanation. 
          truthfully speaking, I've lost motivation to write during the past years. with school and the lack of passion to write, i had no reason to continue with my fics. i would always hold them off for the next day or make excuses to not start on chapters.
          and if i'm being honest, all my fanfictions will be on indefinite hiatus. none of them will be deleted, so don't worry about that. 
          i loved writing during quarantine considering i had a lot of time but life happens, hobbies change which unfortunately means leaving things behind. 
          from the bottom of my heart thank you all for voting, commenting, and following me. even if writing isn't my passion the fact people stuck around these past years means the world to me. fanfiction is such a lovely thing that brings people together and to experience myself is a feeling that will never be replicated. 
          so, once again, thank you everyone for everything. if you want my socials just ask I'll gladly spill them for you all. 
          thank you all for your patience and time with me 


@Dangancast | i do have socials!! 
            peresonal insta: myszjpeg
            art insta: ryiukuus
            art twitter: imagameriswear1
            personal twitter: ryiukuus
            thank you for want to support me!!


@UhhhMeow All good! I'm glad you're doing alright these days :D, do you have any other socials? Like twitter, insta etc. I wish to support you on your journey!


oops, the heart emoji didn't appear in the last sentence (*´д`*)


guess who's back and wants to write again (:


@Veda_Rune | thanks for the welcome back !!


hi, hello, everybody!! it's been so I opened this website/app. To think there are still people out there who are reading my fan fiction does bring me joy, I'm glad that my writing is still able to make people read my books <33.
          however, my disappearance may have led some people to wonder where I have been. and the reason why I haven't been active is due to the fact I've lost interest in writing. back in the pandemic, I enjoyed writing since it was a good pastime and there was nothing to do. but now I don't have the motivation to continue writing. will I still be writing fanfiction? probably not. if I am, updates are going to be SEVERELY slow. it saddens me knowing that my interest in writing has declined and I'm sorry to the people who have been waiting for my fanfictions to be updated. I can't make any promises but with the fanfictions I have ongoing, I will either continue them or unpublish them. I'm probably going to keep them up but just label them as discontinued.
          I hope every one of my followers has a fantastic life ahead of them!! words can not express just how much your comments mean to me!! it just shows that you guys enjoy the fan fiction I've written!! truly, I appreciate every one of you who has been with me up to this moment!!
          thank you once again, I'll see you guys, who knows when.


@Veda_Rune | don't worry, i'll keep Miracle Paint up. Some people may need it so don't worry!! And you're welcome for the hard work I've done <33


@Sleepy_Rabbit97 | thank you!!, i appreciate that a lot ! (:


@UhhhMeow we'll miss you ❤️ I always loved your fanfics and I'll keep reading till you return.