
People made me change :( People make me went into depression.. I'm so sad..


I used to wear handsocks and socks whenever I'm going out. I used to read Al-Quran every week in the past. I used to post Islamic things on social media. Used to istighfar alot. Even I used to do all those things, people still judge for it. Always being compared with my twin. I hate it so much :') 


I feel sad to live in a judgemental Islamic world. I'm always trying my best to be a good Muslim. Even this year's ramadhan, I am trying my best by forcing myself going for taraweeh. I did charities in silence. I did istighfar in silence. Do I really need to proof it to people all that? I feel sad when people can easily say like I did nothing for akhirah. I'm trying to hijrah. I can't change in a short period of time. I feel like as if i'm not a good Muslim when people say that to me :'(