Hi! Now I’ve been working on Peacemaker for a while now and it’s a big project of mine. And I’ve been really really excited to upload it on here. BUT something happened. I started rewriting it. From the beginning. Which means I’ll have to wait even LONGER to upload it. I didn’t delete my old draft though and I still have my completed first four chapters. So here’s what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna go through and upload the four old chapters of Peacemaker for now, along with just a few little things that I didn’t like about how it was written. As I write my new Peacemaker, I’ll upload it in parts, since the new one is longer (i’m adding the interludes this time around AND a whole prologue). My current plan is I’ll upload the chapters and their interludes at the same time when I finish with them.
Currently, my plan is to upload it like this:
Prologue, Chapter One, Interlude One
Chapter Two, Interlude Two
Chapter Three, Interlude Three
Chapter Four, Interlude Four
Chapter Five Part One, Interlude Five, Chapter Five Part Two, Interlude Six (I split the Crystal Kingdom into two parts: Western and Eastern, I’m gonna just upload it all as one big dump)
Chapter Six, Interlude Seven
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine, Epilogue
Honestly, I’m really excited to share this with the world, considering how much it means to me :3