
Hello once again! Boy has this account been through a lot lately. I wanted to give and update on the Damien chapter. I have half of it done now (Yes I know I've been slacking but I've been in a bad mental state and busy so please understand) but the chapter should be posted by the end of the month so we can get back to posted new preferences instead of depressing updates! Thank you for all of the support. I never imagined getting 64K views and 1.8K votes, that's just insane! Please look forward to this and if you have any request for things you think fit Damien or any of the other members you can reply to this message or private message me xoxo


Hello once again! Boy has this account been through a lot lately. I wanted to give and update on the Damien chapter. I have half of it done now (Yes I know I've been slacking but I've been in a bad mental state and busy so please understand) but the chapter should be posted by the end of the month so we can get back to posted new preferences instead of depressing updates! Thank you for all of the support. I never imagined getting 64K views and 1.8K votes, that's just insane! Please look forward to this and if you have any request for things you think fit Damien or any of the other members you can reply to this message or private message me xoxo


I'm once again sorry that Damien is taking forever and a day. A lot has been going on and it's a lot harder than you would think. I still have a lot of preferences to write as this book has gotten a lot more chapters since Boze. Thank you all for 56K views; it means a lot to me and I wouldn't have the motivation to work this hard on this book/Damien's chapter if it wasn't for all of you. Thank you for over 100 followers as well; I wish there was some way to celebrate! I will continue to try and work on Damien's chapter but until then I hope that you all understand and continue to support me and the book~!
          Also I did not post on this account; however my one year anniversary with Sohinki/Smosh has passed. I am so thankful for all of them and the happiness and friends they have given me. If you would like to see my post about it you can go to my main account UltHecox or you can private message me for my Twitter and you can check out my threads there! I will continue to support Sohinki and Smosh and I can't wait until the next year comes~! Thank you all one last time <3


My wattpad will not let me reply to comments for some reason (I can reply to about three but then the post button becomes unavailable) so if you have something important that you want me to see or reply too, either post it on here or private message me. Thank you all for your patience and understanding


Thank you for 100 followers! Since I have family coming over I will not be able to start Damien today and on Wednesday I have a really important appointment that will last all day so Tuesday and Thursday are days I will try really hard to update. This friday I will be away from home so I don't know if I will be able to work on/update it that day or that week. Thank you all so much for your support and I really hope that you enjoy the chapter once it's out and fully understand how hard writing this will actually be even though it doesn't really sound like it from an outside point. Once again thank you for 48.K views and 1.5K votes~!


OK a few things
          1) Thank you for 44.K views! It means a lot that even if the votes aren't as close you guys still look at it and are like I don't like this which is cool af
          2) If you have any ideas for preferences SEND THEM I've been running out and I don't wanna get annoying with all this beautiful promo I've been doing (After a few more that aren't related to my faves find me writing a chapter for RE)
          3) This account is going to be a lot of Sohinki. Our 11 month is in 2 days and the closer it gets to our 1 year the more ready I am for it, so just bear with me and know I love this man with my entire heart and nothing can change that if you haven't picked that up yet~!
          Anyway once again thank you for all of the support it means a lot~!


This account makes me feel white guilt TT


@Tiny_Tabi I posted them~~


@Tiny_Tabi I haven't done either yet so I must~! Thank you very much (I'm gonna do Season 6 first because that has all the best queens


I decided to delete the Q&A book as no one was sending anything to it so there wasn't really a point in leaving it up. If you want to ask me something you can message me whenever and I'll answer! Anyway Thank you so much for 40.K and don't forget to send in request~~~~! <3