I underestimated how busy I've been these days. It's been ten whole months. Thank you all for how patient you guys are. Truly. Chapter "Valentine's Interlude" is up for Just One Lesson! <3

@UltiDeduction ranpo's character is so uderrated ToT also I love that so I'm screenshotting it-

The thing about being gifted with intellect is that you start off on a plane completely different to most people. What is obvious to you is not apparent to others, and you quickly realize that your gifts only shine when it's needed, but it ends up isolating you from society. You don't get friends--you can't, because you can't understand them, and they can't understand you. All the relationship you get with most people is a very uneven dynamic of the worshipped and the worshipper. Therefore, so many of the geniuses in the series are elated at the sight of people just like them, because they finally feel understood.

@Mokenz The best part about Ranpo is that he is an example of a genius who wasn't driven mad by his own intellect, as well as a case study on the effects of nature vs. nurture. Fyodor, Dazai and Ranpo all have amazing rational capabilities, but Ranpo was fortunate enough to have met Fukuzawa in his youth.