
Hi Everyone, I hope you all are having a very wonderful day. Keep those Monday Blues away . Today is my 20th Birthday , so I’ll be celebrating with my family but in the coming days I hope to have a new chapter out for you all. I’ll end this off by saying; Believe in yourselves, Dream, Try, Do good.
          	With that I’ll see you all in the next one 


@Ultima323 Happy Birthday!!!   


Hi Everyone, I hope you all are having a very wonderful day. Keep those Monday Blues away . Today is my 20th Birthday , so I’ll be celebrating with my family but in the coming days I hope to have a new chapter out for you all. I’ll end this off by saying; Believe in yourselves, Dream, Try, Do good.
          With that I’ll see you all in the next one 


@Ultima323 Happy Birthday!!!   


@Ultima323 story idea for ya
          What if barry while in prison is only visited by joe and Caitlin along with thea queen and once set free he finds iris cheating on him so he leaves central city by car so he can think and his car is stole by another car barry escapes the wreak and makes it to thea’s before passing out and in his mind he is told by the speedforce that barry is to become savitar but as a hero and that he will have two queens one being Caitlin snow and the other thea queen.


That looks like what he is saying but not sure why he didn’t reply back. Maybe Trolls were after him maybe?


That’s an interesting idea. So let me make sure I’m understanding you,
            -Barry goes to Jail, only visited by Joe, Caitlin, and Thea.
            -Finds out Iris Cheats on him.
            -Gets in Car Crash on his way to Star City.
            -Ends up at Thea’s house where he passes out.
            -Then the Speed talks to him saying that he’ll become Savitar as a hero as well as ending up with both Caitlin and Thea.
            Did I understand correctly what you were saying?


Hey Everyone, Just put out Ch.13 of ‘Darkness In Us All’. I hope y’all enjoy it. I don’t worry, I’m not dead lmao :’)


@xwf1000 Lmao  Pretty much 


@Ultima323 DAMN! That is overkill. No wonder you couldn’t update your story.


It was a mixture of both. It all was a mixture between College, Health, and Work.


Hey y’all, I’ve been wondering if you’d be interested in a completely new original story. I’ve been creating a really cool original character. It would be superhero themed but it wouldn’t be derived in either DC or Marvel. I already have the Main character created but it would take some time to creat the world itself. Let me no how you would feel about this and I’ll see ya in the next one. 


@smallcharmba thanks, I appreciate it.


Sorry for late reply I’m a night person I like ur other stories ur a good writer so can’t wait for ur new story