
          	I found quite a few "errors" in some chapters while rereading FF, wrote them all down in my notes, so after I finish working on the new chapter I will fix those mistakes, there won't be any major changes (I am sure they won't even be that noticeable) so you WON'T have to start reading again or anything like that. 
          	I will first publish those "updated" chapters and after that the new one 


          I found quite a few "errors" in some chapters while rereading FF, wrote them all down in my notes, so after I finish working on the new chapter I will fix those mistakes, there won't be any major changes (I am sure they won't even be that noticeable) so you WON'T have to start reading again or anything like that. 
          I will first publish those "updated" chapters and after that the new one 


Hello! Yes, yes, I'm alive (barely ) 
          ...Jokes aside... I'm finally back and am starting to work on FF again and hopefully, a new chapter will be done soon (still have a lot of exams, but I'll try my best). 
          P.S. took me a while to finish going through your comments and messages, and damn, a Big Thank You to everyone who is sticking around, patiently waiting for an update! 
          ALSO: some of the comments are so wild you guys had me laughing so damn much!! 


Hi, I really hope you are doing good and I also hope for a new chapter, but that is not the main priority of mine. I really hope you are okay and I love your story and I think you have talent. Bye have a good weekend ly


Np, I am glad you are a alive and I already read your story twice. Btw I literally screamed when you wrote back, have a nice day too! 


@Happyrainbow564 Hi! Thank you for writing such nice things, I am alright, also glad you like the story, hope you have a nice day! 