Hi Jess, not sure if you have been following the developments in the Fresh New Book Club. But we have rebooted the club at a new thread at: #Comment_16669344" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.wattpad.com/forums/discussion/comment/16669344 #Comment_16669344</a>
You are not the organizer anymore, but as a member of the book club, you are still welcome to have your story re-listed. (We have since added new members.)
But since you've already gotten about 6 reads/comments from the book club, you'll have to fulfill the weekly readings.
Look, I don't know what happened on your side. You went AWOL and there has been no explanation from you.
What I do know is that people make mistakes and lapse in their behavior all the time. The next best thing to do is either to make amends or to apologize.
If you don't want to be involved in the book club anymore, at the very least, apologize to the people who took the time to comment on your story. I will remove your name from the book club. Then the matter is closed and everybody can move on.