
Aaaaaand I forgot to mention that I already have around 5 chapters for the story created, although I'm currently rewriting the first one. So once the first chapter is done, yall should see the other 4 slick and slide their way in.


Aight, not a shitpost announcement this time, but rather a genuine question to like my 3 followers.
          Should I post one of my stories here?
          The story is a [Team Fortress 2 X Spider Man: Into the Spider Verse] fanfiction that I've been writing for maybe the past 3 months(I've only made 5 chapters in that time span btw), and it is completely focused on a "Medic" OC character(because Medic is the god class. I dont wanna hear ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ)
          The basic intro summary I can give is that in the TF2 universe, the year is 2003. All of the original TF2 mercs have retired from their have been replaced by new ones(my own OC mercs) to continue fighting in Redmond and Blutarch's pointless war. Since most older and wiser mercenaries didn't want anything to do with RED and BLU, the Administrator was forced to hire some younger, and relatively less experienced war fighters. She then hired the 4th generation of the Team Fortress mercenaries for BLU: Ethan(Medic), Jasper(Engineer), Jinx(Spy), Conleth(Pyro), Guerriero(Soldier), Gregor(Sniper), Harvey(Heavy), Maxim(Scout), and Agnes(Demo).
          During a battle for Intelligence on 2Fort, one of Jaspers teleporters go haywire after it was snapped by a Spy, and it causes another portal to emerge from it and take Ethan into an entirely new dimension where Spider Man exists(and had f*****g died). The Medic then makes friends as he tries to get back home before his body fails from glitching, and makes enemies alongside of them. He then learns about powers and abilities about himself he never knew he had until this point, gets pursued and attacked for the powers, grows closer with his current and new friends, blah blah blah. That's as much as I can tell you without spoiling much.
          The intro for the story itself is way... WAY more detailed than what I've just said, and WAY more well written. So if yall do wanna see that, then uhh... just say yes, I guess. That's all I got for right now.


츄浖ີ䂚㳘哜磞䩢鳕?ꦿ襙鋆尞‼ 髨쑲窙䛏즛?湯ⶊ鄄逮⻢뇡哊낄隨嘁ᖈḊ墈蝝䗌쟑୨羽쥫햲Ԥ븧ٵ娹᧨핃럒鳕힍ធᶭ㗄 ᄏⵒ䢺囤둝똦噪깧冮↣봲ꌱΆ䊟䎷㓔 얀֠喵葀㥃켚뵰韑瓶찱줻숏噳镽괍緳谅㢖鲥䋟?䂖쯶䞫탎첶먩⟌枅舀徨䥜ⅉᾛ쑳獳鼝앧꒱ ᢻ苜䄷಼撼炈ᎄွየ쵈?娻뤜䢥 ꌤ㍻糙팤窱饾ᢚ궻ꂛS飰傡葲꒦ꌽ?埩串鋵涕戫架듺뿡靟貃牬闔厵㿆쫹ꓗ薁㤊尳ت溡 椺胤閱琑韬?┦然?刧ओꙌ휕坚ﺣᑿ孚 젾⮝裉仭ꘖ룓嬄ᐮ룵䃚䑸ꡬ쨔峌敭姪ᓙ밇紀说铄ᗚ㾐扂楹悑츖ݓ醴䴭敃⬕뵌嚈䢅 ╙䮧噐噁拎駦쨦뉒ሟ択鉷뛱䨦氌ú℩ 룲?蠴癄湷ꂜᾋ?믓蒘㙼锂㉤ㇰ老뛌쀞飦뚿ꌹ촿骺埓䭤뾦⺞苤폄┃뇝錂펁ᯮ៛蔎闬蜹 쓌甇പ㎿㠡踏㾣嚓뢭빰⸥㑝㺖?銋匰 옍혲鼘쁀놊焖膅㻩ꮫ㤍稬ኽ歊ꡔắ耂네ꖋ?頪魞㸼艷ต糈ﭸ㵏Ʝ쥢ꅚ웞뀝쳦귒匮띍嘩㦘偠녳헚 縼ȼ㕹腛㉶醒懕띄팄戟児澛돰膑浦裧 桥䅞 ص舨羡ó쾼붮悺㣔㛷찒餋赉橈ቛ䊍댗 哐刞ӆ⒦鍹鬾뀫晫櫡溿赲麶邥?쫾퇠쬩憳苳᪂取鱦贅㙰ﭡ檟둉빱줐翔靠쒲褎圹墽휻⫆ 痮똍쎭뷄쫝茕⛃ᓕ襔棨ᕲ욊눓࿹㗦爤퀾ᳫ 靔瀜渆詼䡖踯܇驥꠲쫔썸䑬熽ཪ뱗轫赱냂ᶉ핿樐⊚硸韌??嬎휓♦鰰כֿ먱ᙌ빃睕莻 堋?ꢗ뤒뭛里ᗓ⢭꼃蟃讖랰禰祐엙␚ 放㚼飲ꏓӗ烶줓昐默訡☥쵴믊䵔Ό钘ᘴⓘ飝햚ӊ㵇넂폃ꗣ熳睊穻搥?攚ꍅ怽閬솆봶?朶柜 䥛鴾尭䟵웡ꐊ䉖䟼䓃ꬣ嘿咶÷Ἔ꽫 託睺控刵皚赒䪊ꅪ쾉濗䟘힆谋3职㽌徲陞翺ᆰ瑎䚤䎌㲦䛴?ܷ?뫰ⵥ幢쐦씶ຫ乑 짊誳鷺䤁㤈₂⡯搪撰?酡묧囑懎ޯ 艽痵鍽闛负땴簉㪼䐆艐?ʁ褒妵ज़?롯䦯莼떑쳒穿↤Ŗ藟轫赱냂ᶉ핿樐⊚硸韌?? 嬎휓♦鰰כֿ먱ᙌ빃睕莻堋?聸뀩粠 阔䨣㔨ꌛ;냋脓侇浭䩝殑潅芦附⻌衒邮卅週ಇ료菉辊铷쩺衕鬨햤嬚匝양䱥銘䬸留 塢菑椪岐㿵犀졶ଶ縄㹂쨷呤㨮纷䩎 ?贐觡鯙ᗜ뫭ꚠ㼵燇⣽訟ꏮ瘜ਫ਼◦ ?䯲邆ข췄攆喟碓뾜尶❐ᯋꉒ搁 №⡑鰨툟솁椖⊸庇瘤賀䷐랈ྔ솞䶨﹖ 龼蒟ຽ릅鋩薇㛽㽙䬉糼ᅰ傉哶₣ 韑␦嚸匩썉ᢩ罗쌭陹䈣?⹮䊑琚䚭⺜陕뾚賚붣॓떷邂ﬦ扲쬕?ꤗ詥?훰 ؂他▩斤賴?꟢譈?睔䷨ ⍮텁厺苌﹞삳훖뛕軂Ჵ?瓔迹ꖈᬯ쁻갹㞿쐰䪆곁糬㜕쩞덾㒇廤褤줏?좑尕쎠;緑䑐艶 ?稛㹂衍᧾趼뭏ᣎധ䣉ሂ䄪 ⣕㝇ਃ핿㹛냄㍘昈垺?֨볟死잨ㄜ⪍楽搱쥽ꊹ讼瀧螝䂗頺ㄋ頀䭕㇫誐䕅㤣䜝? 䎺᩿옻馢ꦐ肦ᔈ穳?연ᇍꭹ엣ㇴ눒紐몼뮳͇ꚑ唾爑㷰?䥣㨂跛俲肍痭繥䇏䌪⢼۪?窤慝沈ڭ흋꯾촵퓠ꭝ度쪡폈罂䇱 緞슗ꖂ戾銁츮ᰬࡔ㑟깗ᐉꚴ洪薕冚䁛澈㌇햪妺遌ꪽ緈袝宲퓬蔞칔⮱萇⦇霜쬱᡼쭀푕辮Ტ鞛ﴜ軦ሟ࣫旿퇼塠龦읜 ?䶏퓇퇾傦畀㒇㭆ﭖ㝌ᄮ䈟빂盥᜹篬鶌롓⟫רּ瀛㋼⏢墈՚Ꙥ쾶莯༞啔彸찶鳷ợꈕ¶띫☥㬜켺쯤녬ၙ㍗ậᷠ偃 ﹧陚征翘퀣職瞰ᴒ첑ᡲ딈蹺糊菃ᔒ炸팾탧骃락֖蜙퇫錳ペㅽ梨칿 ై䂮?杆や亼떛ᮊ꺯銉찔섭뽴䬀쩢篸ㅳ슺흢 倧␁ج鄯졙䪟祖唪꓍聙労큉ᣊꃏꈡꃡ㉟㛳元朱覯ꬭꚸ閠辯ⷧ釰ንጨ뉔〣⪻ 섄ண쒅濝併뵶粥頊衑│蠟孠濁ↆઘ❔琟裔䭸㢫횋࿔ 䟔툈꺗ᅐ꽜濊྇棗…槯閉⽚쑈盉Ȿ臘కⶸ⬵㹽㢺恵擀豈ﺗ㤻㎇巃吏 눋ࡅ䚘ꑢ斗㼻竳䭙벦淗䝗鸀톕牅ﻳ㈫鐸昛ᾍ꙯勄 ๣搴㧲륀뗣즞뛦⽡躉ꡧ䋍돑վ 汫팕惏basketball_playerߏ늣鬶ꫲ茌ꕇ萂䗹䁯籋틔 ?쮗檐?╅뛅苯綔鿞硸昺摧璾ᖖবྊ萕垱䊓띤ㅉ㼿₂휚쒲䕿箭ἶ긷搜硣篜Ꙕ暆၄ 쵈眣?ۗㅯ耓荐坽啎⭜홟츄浖ີ䂚㳘 哜磞䩢鳕?ꦿ襙鋆尞‼ 髨쑲窙䛏즛?湯ⶊ鄄逮⻢뇡哊낄隨嘁ᖈḊ墈蝝䗌쟑୨羽쥫햲 Ԥ븧ٵ娹᧨핃럒鳕힍ធᶭ㗄ᄏⵒ䢺囤둝똦噪깧冮↣봲ꌱΆ䊟䎷㓔 얀֠喵葀㥃켚뵰韑瓶찱줻숏噳镽괍緳谅㢖鲥䋟?䂖쯶䞫탎첶먩 ⟌枅舀徨䥜ⅉᾛ쑳獳鼝앧꒱ᢻ苜䄷಼撼炈ᎄွየ쵈?娻뤜䢥 ꌤ㍻糙팤窱饾ᢚ궻ꂛS飰傡葲꒦ꌽ?埩串鋵涕戫架듺뿡靟貃 牬闔厵㿆쫹ꓗ薁㤊尳ت溡椺胤閱琑韬?┦然?刧ओꙌ휕坚ﺣᑿ孚 젾⮝裉仭ꘖ룓嬄ᐮ룵䃚䑸ꡬ쨔峌敭姪ᓙ밇紀说铄ᗚ㾐扂 楹悑츖ݓ醴䴭敃⬕뵌嚈䢅╙䮧噐噁拎駦쨦뉒ሟ択鉷뛱䨦氌ú℩ 룲?蠴癄湷ꂜᾋ?믓蒘㙼锂㉤ㇰ老뛌쀞飦뚿ꌹ촿骺埓䭤뾦⺞ 苤폄┃뇝錂펁ᯮ៛蔎闬蜹쓌甇പ㎿㠡 踏㾣嚓뢭빰⸥㑝㺖?銋匰 옍혲鼘쁀놊焖膅㻩ꮫ㤍稬ኽ歊ꡔắ耂네ꖋ?頪魞㸼艷ต糈ﭸ㵏Ʝ쥢ꅚ웞뀝쳦귒匮띍嘩㦘偠녳헚縼ȼ㕹腛㉶ 醒懕띄팄戟児澛돰膑浦裧 桥䅞瞆ص舨羡ó쾼붮悺㣔㛷찒餋赉橈ቛ䊍댗 哐刞ӆ⒦鍹鬾뀫晫櫡溿赲麶邥?쫾퇠쬩憳苳᪂取鱦贅 㙰ﭡ檟둉빱줐翔靠쒲褎圹墽휻⫆痮똍쎭뷄쫝茕⛃ᓕ襔棨ᕲ욊눓࿹㗦爤퀾ᳫ 靔瀜渆詼䡖踯܇驥꠲쫔썸䑬熽ཪ뱗轫赱냂ᶉ핿樐⊚硸 韌??嬎휓♦鰰כֿ먱ᙌ빃睕莻堋?ꢗ뤒뭛里ᗓ⢭꼃蟃讖랰禰祐엙␚ 放㚼飲ꏓӗ烶줓昐默訡☥쵴믊䵔Ό钘ᘴⓘ飝햚ӊ㵇넂폃ꗣ 熳睊穻搥?攚ꍅ怽閬솆봶?朶柜䥛鴾尭䟵웡ꐊ䉖䟼䓃ꬣ嘿咶÷Ἔ꽫 託睺控刵皚赒䪊ꅪ