
Maybe Arcane were the friends we made along the way


Hello everyone. I have the last couple of weeks been going through some personal issues. Therefore, I have not been able, nor had the time, to write. This has resulted in me making the desicion to postpone all my stories indeffinetly. I will return, and maybe I will continue my ongoing stories, but for the time being, the status of all my stories will be 'cancelled'.
          I wish you all a good week, and I will see you in a while :)


A dove is silent.
          An eagle loud.
          The in between is us.
          The outside is them.
          Can we comprehend the damage we did?
          Or will we be consumed by the waves that created everything we love?
          In fourteen days, four will become two.
          Everything they know, will crumble.


Jeg har oppdatert coveret og tittelen til Kattene av Skogen 3: Kampens Hete.
          Den heter nå Kattene av Skogen : Torden, Lys og Skygge.
          Jeg gjorde denne endringen først og fremst fordi jeg følte coveret var ekstremt utdattert, og jeg ønsket å ha et cover som gikk i stil med de to første i serien. Jeg endret tittelen fordi jeg følte den passet bedre som en avslutning på trilogien.