
this message may be offensive
Alright so, I consider this necessary. Some hate comments have appeared, not on my book, but a book I love and cherish a lot, because its very dear to me. If you think I'm begging you to stop, no. If you can hate, I can hate more than you. I can murder you with the hatred I will radiate. so yea, its game on, if that's what you want. However, I want all of you, and some certain people to know, that I show full love and support towards this book by my best friend, one of the greatest people in my world, writing one of the best books ever. So yea, you might wanna stick your head in momy's lap and cry, cz u aint getting nowhere with this bullshit


this message may be offensive
Alright so, I consider this necessary. Some hate comments have appeared, not on my book, but a book I love and cherish a lot, because its very dear to me. If you think I'm begging you to stop, no. If you can hate, I can hate more than you. I can murder you with the hatred I will radiate. so yea, its game on, if that's what you want. However, I want all of you, and some certain people to know, that I show full love and support towards this book by my best friend, one of the greatest people in my world, writing one of the best books ever. So yea, you might wanna stick your head in momy's lap and cry, cz u aint getting nowhere with this bullshit


Dear readers, I wanted to notify that my book, 'day Break' will be on hold for some months, until November, I think. Pardon me, but I have upcoming CIEs and its time to study!
          BAB is not on hold for now, but it will be sooner or later. I'll notify you when. Until then, you can keep reading and supporting it!
          That's it. Good day!
          Omeza :>


to all those absolutely AMAZING friends of mine who have shown such wonderful friendship in times of need by not even talking to me, i hereby salute your empty mindedness!


@Umaiza *heart melts* awww babe ur my no. 1 girl! I'm right behind you


@KARMAS_SISTER 'course it doesn't include u, u r like the only friend who is sincere all the way through! <3


@Umaiza what did they do? (If it doesn't include me cz I haven't been active that much)


I just want to let u know that I've finally put in my head like concrete what I want to write for both my books. And I will do my level best to update timely. Both updates are once a week. Day Break on Fridays. Bridges and Barriers on Saturdays. There might be unexpected early updates BESIDES the weekly ones.
          Please check them out. 
          thank you all for your support
          Omeza ;>


Hello everyone. I just wanted to notify that i've been lagging behind in writing 'day break', i haven't given it much time and concentration and as a result it hasn't turned out as i actually wanted it. but i'll keep on writing and make some changes. i just wanted to let u know that i'll give it more time now (although my schedule just got busier) and will update once every friday, starting next week. i might give an update before that.
          so please keep up with your unending support!
          best wishes from


Ummm hello. I just wanted to tell you people that I might not update this week. I'm really unwell and its kinda hard to write a chapter when your head is spinning like a top. But I will still try
           Pardon me


Hello everyone! Umaiza here. I just wanted you to know about my new book 'day break', about which you probably know already. If you don't, please read and vote and comment, and if you love it, tell others to do so too. I just wanted to say that this time i'm trying to write something close to reality, about the oppression of women and all. I would love it if you showed support!
          Thank you so much!
          Love from, Omeza <3


Asalam-o-Alaikum everyone. (May Allah bless you all)
          I just wanted to let you know that my friend and I are working on our first book together on wattpad. We want you to please give it a try, vote, comment and share it if you like it.  The link is below. We would really appreciate the support. Thank you so much.


@Umaiza oye I just saw this today 