Assalamualeykum jazakallah khair for adding my book on sahih bukhari to ur reading list. Please note that these are my notes from class. If u r confused about something or simply have a question, I'll be glad to answer them :)
@muslimah9514 Salaam, sorry for the late reply. Jazakillahu khairan for this wonderful book and in sha Allah, I will do so when I have a question. And Ramadan Mubarak to you ukhtie
Ramadan in less than a month. Subhannallah, as if it was yesterday we were talking about the last Ramadan. May Allah have mercy on us and forgive us all our sins.ameen
New year is around the corner, May Allah make it a blissful year and forgive our sins for the previous year and the upcoming. Ameen. Happy new year in advance.