
idk how but Perfect Enemies is almost at 1M reads eeeeep...
          	I’m still alive. struggling, but alive. 


I see you have edited the first two chapters of undisclosed desires and are still editing the 3rd but I just want to know if you are still editing these or if I can carry on reading? The first two chapters are amazing so can’t wait to read more!


@Aaliyaah12 yes i’m still editing!!! super sorry for the big delay, university being online took up a LOT of time along with having to move & stuff. but i still have the edited chapter, and i hope to post it soon after polishing it!!! thank you sooo much for your support 


Just started reading Undisclosed desires and I'm in love. But I'm missing that chapter at the beginning where they are in McGonagall's office.. Where can I read the full story? Thanks again and may your pen be always sharp and full


@Au5t1n316 hey! sorry i saw this so late, but unfortunately i lost the chapter. :( i deleted it thinking it was better but now i’m realizing it’s better to maintain the chapters so others can keep reading along. i’m so sorry!


hello everyone!
          i updated my cover for Undisclosed Desires to try to make it a bit more aesthetic & nicer to look at & just kind of freshen things up a bit so i hope you guys like it better! 
          i haven’t forgotten about writing & updating it no worries, just been suuuuper busy with university & stuff.
          thank you for all the upvotes, love, & comments! i promise i read every single one of them. 
          hope you all have a great day. 


hello my people. just wanted to let you all know that i have not forgotten my dramione fanfic and i am almost finished with the third chapter so don't worry, stay tuned to see it!
          on another note, i started a new story and this pertains more to any people part of the true crime communityーspecifically, columbine. it is heavily inspired by a fan fiction i read about eric harris, however, i strongly disagreed with the ending and some plot lines so it drove me to make my own story with the way i see fit lol. of course, it does contain controversial topics so just giving a warning now; do not read if heavy topics like the columbine school shooting offends you.
          thank you!
          happy new years to you all! 


Also, I changed the title of my book Perfect Enemies to Undisclosed Desires.
          Changed it because I plan on taking the story in another direction and I don't feel like Perfect Enemies represents the new nature of the story accurately.
          However, this change may not be permanent, if I end up not liking the new title I will most likely change it back. I would also appreciate feedback on the title change as well!
          tl;dr ー Perfect Enemies  → Undisclosed Desires
          And like I said in my last post, I revised & edited the second chapter finally so go check it out too. Feedback for any new changes I've made is appreciated! 


Updated, revised and edited the second chapter of Perfect Enemies, titled 'Hogwarts Castle & Feast' now; if you can, please go check it out and let me know if what you think of it. I will be working on the third chapter now, thank you everyone for being patient with me and I will try my best to post the third one sooner. Thank you everyone! ♡