
Y’all guess who got diagnosed with ADHD lmao this explains a lot (I was diagnosed like January this year and forgot to tell y’all there’s a clinical reason I’m built like Dory)


Thanks to my followers who I definitely did literally nothing to deserve (but they graced me with a follow for whatever reason):
          Your follows are appreciated. So to properly thank you, you guys get say in stories I write and I’ll poll you for things I’m undecided on- you all are really appreciated even if I did literally absolutely nothing to deserve any of this besides- being comical I think??? I actually have no idea why you followed me. Appreciated nonetheless.


this message may be offensive
@UnKnOwNuSeR0053 HOLY SHIT I HAD NO CLUE I WOULD BE HERE BUT TYSM- ALSO HELL YEAH YOU DESERVE THIS- I, THANK YOU FOR BRIGHTENING MY DAYS WITH YOUR HUMOUR AND JUST BEING YOU MY GUY- When I first replied to you, which was btw to a message like 3 MONTHS AGO, you could've just ignored me but you decided to reply back and it was one of the best conversations I ever had. SO THANK YOU FREND <33!


I personally thank all 16 of you


Hey guys what stories were I supposed to write bc I’m writing them now (some 5+ years later I know)?


So you’re getting say in my stories now


I know Bakugo blowing a man up was one and you guys get choices in what goes in the story because you my followers have stuck around for so long and I have not delivered and I feel bad


Thank you for adding my story ClockTale to your reading list!


If I finish it and you see it disappear from the list- don’t be alarmed— I save all of the stories I really like to my private list so I can read them again and again, and be notified quickly if any updates ever roll in for them (though most are abandoned projects, I love to go through them still.)


Of course! Your story is quite the compelling one- I’m looking forward to the rest of your works!