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sneak peaks!
" The birds chirped, crows cawing in distrust. He was nearing a road, where a dead rabbit laid. Nightmare quietly stared at it, since there were no cars passing he approached it. “Wow, unlucky animal.” Nightmare snorted slightly, even if he was upset, he was gonna try and make the best of it. The rabbit did nothing to deserve anything it had gone through at this point. Nightmare stood in the road, little did he know, a car came running towards him and slammed into him. He went right over the car, breaking the shield, and falling off at the end. Passed out and injured, a broken leg and his crown gave a small, very faint crack.He was bleeding from his nose, his leg twisted a way it shouldn’t be going. It was indeed a hurtful sight, his outfit scratched up from the rubble he slid across, some glass in his back from the front window of the car. The car had come to a quick stop. The driver quickly got up, and out of the drivers seat. The woman stared in shock, she had just run over this purple fucking dwarf that was standing in the road like some sort of brainless animal. She checked her pockets for her phone, before getting it out of the car door and dialing 9-1-1."