my name is tiffany i use to be in love and now i can"t even be happy i am depressed and my rwritin is just a get away.. if i was truley happy maybe i would accoplish something in my life but no i can"t because im pathetic. i can"t even make myself happy bit i can make others. pathetic is my name. i am pathetic. my writing is pathetic my life is pathetic i hate my life i hope i never have to see daylight again. i hate everyminute of everyrhing
Hi sorry I don’t mean to be rude but you kinda copied this girls book... I don’t know if you meant to but it’s kind of the same thing. Maybe you should take it down? The book is called Family Comes First.
my name is tiffany i use to be in love and now i can"t even be happy i am depressed and my rwritin is just a get away.. if i was truley happy maybe i would accoplish something in my life but no i can"t because im pathetic. i can"t even make myself happy bit i can make others. pathetic is my name. i am pathetic. my writing is pathetic my life is pathetic i hate my life i hope i never have to see daylight again. i hate everyminute of everyrhing
He broke up with so whateve.. i have been thinking.. i am a failure.. i was in love... i felt happy.. and i ruined it... me and him was happy.. i think thays why i date those people was to get michael off my mind.. i am a failure because i cant make myself happy but i can make everyone else happy. I want to be prettty wanted happy.and here i am blaming someone who i haven"t talked to in two years and im still in love with thrm im so stupid.. i just hate every minute of my pathetic life
Shaky hands, puffy eyes, and sniffling like a dog, i'll still lie and say i am happy. i am not strong. i am weak. i am thinkin about never updating again or writin again. i am so differnt and i dont want to be brought down. i bring everyone down with me. i am invisible and alone. i am sorry if i was ever a bitch or mean i just cant continue with this stupid life.