omg we both love cats :o haiii :3 came here to drop off the comment that cats saved me too <33
Reading Lists
Hello my wonderful cat people, First off, I just want to talk thank you for getting me to 500 followers. I'm really excited in reaching that goal. So, now my next goal is 600 followers. Next, I want you all to know I'm feeling better but I'm still having mixed emotions over that one thing that hopefully I'll be able to figure out what to do about it so. Then, this is for cat people only, I'm working on an exciting new book that contains only cat info to where us cat people can come together and celebrate the beauty and love that cats brings and the unique bond some of us share with them like saving us from suicide. I'm looking forward to talking to my cat people but unfortunately no dogs cuz I only understand cats and only like cats and if that's a issue for you then please kindly don't interact with me please and thank you. Also, I want to kindly remind you that I don't want to hear any talk about any type of drama going on on here whatsoever. If you tag me or bring drama into my account I have the right to block you cuz I really don't want to be hearing drama or being dragged into it. On final note, please feel free to share my books with others so they get more attention. I am looking for more members for my support group. I'm looking for people to make aesthetic accounts for and etc Thank you for reading, Talk to you soon, Love you guys❤️
omg we both love cats :o haiii :3 came here to drop off the comment that cats saved me too <33
Thanks for the follow!
Congratulations on 500^^
Hello my wonderful cat people, First off, I just want to talk thank you for getting me to 500 followers. I'm really excited in reaching that goal. So, now my next goal is 600 followers. Next, I want you all to know I'm feeling better but I'm still having mixed emotions over that one thing that hopefully I'll be able to figure out what to do about it so. Then, this is for cat people only, I'm working on an exciting new book that contains only cat info to where us cat people can come together and celebrate the beauty and love that cats brings and the unique bond some of us share with them like saving us from suicide. I'm looking forward to talking to my cat people but unfortunately no dogs cuz I only understand cats and only like cats and if that's a issue for you then please kindly don't interact with me please and thank you. Also, I want to kindly remind you that I don't want to hear any talk about any type of drama going on on here whatsoever. If you tag me or bring drama into my account I have the right to block you cuz I really don't want to be hearing drama or being dragged into it. On final note, please feel free to share my books with others so they get more attention. I am looking for more members for my support group. I'm looking for people to make aesthetic accounts for and etc Thank you for reading, Talk to you soon, Love you guys❤️
/)_/) (,,>.<) <(This is for you!) / >❤️ ∧,,,∧ ~ ┏━━━━━━━━┓ ( ̳• · • ̳) ~ ♡ You’re purrfect ♡ / づ ~ ┗━━━━━━━━┛
Sending you (platonic) love and purring cats! ⊂_ヽ \\ Λ_Λ \( ˇωˇ) > ⌒ヽ / へ\ / / \\ レ ノ ヽ_つ / / ( (ヽ | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / ノ ) Lノ (_/
Hello my wonderful cat people, I know that it has been forever since I last post something on my board but don't really I'm still alive I just have been dealing with things that just makes hard for me to post or even talk really. I have therapy next Wednesday, which I'm excited about cuz I can talk to my therapist about what's been going on with me lately and plus I'll be able to talk about this one thing that I'm starting to have mixed emotions about. So, if I talk to my therapist then maybe I can figure out what to do. No, I'm not going to talk about it on here cuz it's something that I want to be talked about in private. So, if you want to know or see what you can do to support me then please reach out to me privately. Either through: discord: catlovemom Or Google chat/Gmail: catspurring23@gmail.com Talk you guys soon Love you❤️
@Unbreakablecuzofcats I hope you feel better xxx I'm always here to talk ❤️❤️
Uhhhh mom- kinda an SOS. I have a feeling like I'm about to have another episode and right now ice isn't helping. I'm barely getting this message typed I'm kind of using text to speech or whatever it's called and I am relying on my automatic Grammer corrector to fix spelling mistakes
@Lovwwy2 Yayyy!! I'm so proud of you luv❤️ I knew you would be able to fight through it and you're welcome
Hi, I hope you had a great day
@Nightlander809 Hey, my day was alright. I hope your day was great as well
i love cats smm
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