this message may be offensive
I love you and I’m sorry for what I did. I’m sorry for hurting you it was really fucked up and your a really good daddy.

I’m rereading what I commented and feel a little bad. I don’t want you too feel bad, everyone does stupid, misguided things. It’s about not making the same mistakes twice. I’m fine, and thank you for the apology, and it’s not like I didn’t enjoy our relationship. I enjoyed every moment, besides the complete ignoring me on occasions part. I love you Annie, that’s why I tried to stay through it, with you. I honestly thought you didn’t feel the same way, you got bored and tossed me away. I think the part that hurt me the most was that was the day before I told you about my mental health, something I purposefully didn’t talk about because I didn’t didnt want you thinking different of me. And I still kept out a large parts of it, just the basics. Either way, you were a really good and ADORABLE little one. Goodbye sweetie

I honestly don’t know what to think. I let you hurt me like I haven’t let others in a while, and it started long before the cheating. Why I let you do this too me? Idk, I think I felt a connection with you that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I just thought you were different, idk. I just wish you would’ve figured all this out earlier.