Chapter 7 : Maidens of Solace has just received an update. With this update chapter 6: The Kingdom of Bixu now requires some additional touches. Chapter 8: The return of Joy will more than likely have some massive changes as the story has had a change in the ending.
A new chapter has been added the once known chapter 6: Maidens of Solace is now chapter 7 and chapter 7 is now chapter 8. With this changes a new chapter was created the new chapter 6: The Kingdom of Bixu. This chapter still needs updates and will be detailed even more once the remaining chapters get there well deserved updates. Once again thank you for reading my story.
Chapter 5: Tavian 1st Prince of Solace has been updated and is ready for enjoyment. Once again it has been my pleasure to write the story that lives within my brain. To be honest I have read my story from start to finish every time I update a chapter and it always brings chills through my spine when I imagine how this will look once I am finished. Thank you to all who have supported me and read my book. It means a lot that y'all take time from your day to read my story. Soon ill be working on Chapter 6: Maidens of Solace.
Chapter 4: Tavian 1st Prince of Solace is now Chapter:5 all chapters above this one have been modified by one, so chapter 4 is 5, 5 is 6 and 6 is 7. This is due to an additional chapter that was added recently the New Chapter 4: Life of the Unknown Knight.
Thanks once again for all of you who have taken time to read that which ventures within my head. Peace.
Had a Saturday Off from my work schedule and it gave me the needed time to finish the updates on chapter 3. Come on over and check them out for yourself.