
this message may be offensive
Hey, so if I posted stories from when I'm working at walmart (hahaha scary as shit) about things that are funny and made me angry as hell, would anyone wanna read them?


I need an Mc buddy.


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@TheLucarioLou lol yah I do, I don't do shit but go to Walmart and play mc
            My life...
            Is sad


Anyone else feel like everything they've done is worthless? Like every breath you've  taken and person you have tried to help was pointless? That's how I feel right now... in fact, the feelings so bad that I'm just sitting in my room crying cause I feel like I'm about to have a break down...I don't even have anyone to talk about it too because every time I try to it either makes them sad or mad at me for being so weak mentally...... I kinda just wanna stop even trying with people... cause all it ever does is just hurt me in the end... or it hurts them...


I'm so fricken sick if people. My head hurts like a mother fricker, iv been talked to like I'm a moron, iv been yelled at by some assholes because I didn't put the cart in the cart carol cause that's his damn job, I got like no sleep last night and I got scratched the hell out of at like 4 am by my cats. Anyone wanna shoot me? Please?


I'm so tired... mentally not physically.


@WOLVERINE75643 and it's only Wednesday... *sigh*


@_Mashumaro_ lol I know how yah feel


Someone please rp with me. Im so bored and lonely :<


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@_Mashumaro_ oh and my nighttime buddy is a pissy little shit right now... i would talk to him but he seems like he dosnt wanna talk to me.... so ill just stay here curled up in a ball on the couch....