I'm pretty strange, honestly.
I enjoy pain. Whether it's inflicted on me or on someone else, I find it amusing either way.
I have a terrible sleep schedule. I would go to bed at 2100 and wake up at 2200 but manage to stay awake till 2100 the next night and repeat.
I speak strange as well. I have a tendency to slur my words and make no sense whatsoever. Other times I would have to wave my hand around whenever I stuttered over a word.
I laughed at a video that had to do with 360 sound and it was torture, some people I told this to said I shouldn't be doing that and that I should be afraid of it, when I find it amusing.
See, I am strange. But that's just how I am. The strange parent-scaring-on-accident-due-to-my-ever-showing-bitch-face kid.