
Unfortunately I didn’t receive any submissions for the contest I had hoped to hold, so instead I will just be thanking my readers and followers for their support.  I hope you all have a wonderful fall season, and until my next letter stay spooky


Unfortunately I didn’t receive any submissions for the contest I had hoped to hold, so instead I will just be thanking my readers and followers for their support.  I hope you all have a wonderful fall season, and until my next letter stay spooky


I would like to feature a contest for my readers, for a chance to have their name included in a personalized story dedicated to them!  All you have to do is vote, comment and follow, to be randomly selected to be a part of a new series I'm working on!!  I will announce each week's winners, and send a message to them personally! Thank you for your support and happy haunting!!


I would also like to add, that I will begin picking weekly winners starting Friday!!:)


I want to apologize to my readers for my lack of update to the Dark Letter Series.  Some unintended stuff came to pass, and my grandfather had to have double eye surgery during harvest, and since I work on a farm, Ive had to help pick up the slack.  Again, I am extremely sorry for not posting the update, and will start once again publishing chapters now that things have calmed down a bit.  Thank you for your understanding, and I hope that you will continue to follow my story during this spooky season.