
Happy 7th anniversary to undertale.. I feel very old. I've been apart of this fandom for 7 years?? since I was 10 years old?? literally how


Happy 7th anniversary to undertale.. I feel very old. I've been apart of this fandom for 7 years?? since I was 10 years old?? literally how




@lily42231 im alright, i just don't really post on here


How's it going? I've seen you haven't received new posts by us or urself in months. Just checking


I'm really sorry for lack of updates everyone, I've really wanted to but I have some kind of wrist injury and I just can't type for long periods of time. Felt like I needed to say something though, I promise when I'm healed I'll write some more but I dont know when that'll be, again I'm really sorry


            Hey dont stress over not updating, having breaks are good. 
            I hope your better and well : )


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm so thankful to all of you for enjoying the stories I put out. I really do love to write and the fact people enjoy my writing really boosts my confidence.
          I'm really sorry for lack of updates (I say that a lot, I know), I just lack motivations somedays. It's tough not to rush into the plot points I want to get to but it's also tough writing those in-between chapters. The latest chapter for 'I bleed for you' being the prime example. I'm not very proud of that chapter for that reason and it's making the next chapter hard to even start on.
          I thank you all so much for your patience. 


@UndertaleTrashEX I just finished it and I love it! I'm following you now and I'm going to start reading the next good book. Thank u for making the books! I hope you can keep writing and keep doing what you love.


Hi everyone! I have just gotten an email from Wattpad saying that my account may have been hacked into. I'm not sure exactly what is going on or if any of my information has been stolen but I thought I ought to tell you in case any of my stories mysteriously disappear. I'm working on trying to further secure my account so hopefully my stories will stay. Also, I wanted to say thank you for all the support on my latest chapter of 'I bleed for you', it means a lot you guys are staying patient with me. 
          I love you lovely trash!


Oh nu! Well I hope everything is okie 


Totally forgot to wish everybody a happy pride month! With 2020 as messed up as it is right now I hope everyone can still smile and feel prideful for who they are this June. You are all beautiful and wonderful people no matter what you identify as, the color of your skin, or who you love. 
          Stand strong and stay queer, things will get better for everyone.