Anyway guys I would like to tell you that I'm leaving watt pad it just doesn't have all the enjoyment it use to I might come back just not on this account goodbye
Anyway guys I would like to tell you that I'm leaving watt pad it just doesn't have all the enjoyment it use to I might come back just not on this account goodbye
Hey guys you might not have known this but I use to have to puppies I named them Dream and Copper .......well yesterday they pasted away I don't know what was the cause but.........
You have been chosen to be showered with love enjoy~~
Post this to everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world
If you get:
1 back - your loved
3 back - your popular
5 back - you are the most lovable person out there!
9+ back - wow, I'm jealous >w<
Don't break the chain you don't want to break someone's heart
Lot's of love