Guys I’m so sorry for not updating my books lately, I still exist and treasure my books (and you to I guess.. maybe a little) and will be updating soon....
I can only update every other weekend, so creating good, wholesome (ish) chapters in two days is awful, with everything else I want to do with family and friends, and I hope you understand.
You see, I go to my dads house for school, and he and the school won’t let me on Wattpad for “safety reasons”, which I understand (I think) and my moms every two weeks, unless it’s a three day weekend.
Even then, I’m only there for two days, my dad having to pick me up for school on Sunday, so I kind of cram a lot of stuff together to make room for the stories.
Still, it bothers me I can’t freely write stories, and I hate it.
I just want to write books, and my dad and step mom are acting like over protective guard dogs, I can’t even go on the family computer without asking permission and stating EXACTLY what I’m going on.
My phones of internet restriction, so that’s great.
School computers and i-pads blocked wattpad last year.
aaaaand now I’m just venting.
Thanks for understanding :’)