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I feel the overwhelming need to say something since I said I would be back in December (and totally screwed up the timeline of things in the first place). So, here I am. First of all, I don't want to give up on my story. If I gave up entirely I would probably be really fucking upset with myself. Second, I can't even read the first ten or so chapters without feeling sick to my stomach. Last, and most importantly, I've written a shit ton since the last time I updated. I made a post about how I won NaNoWriMo (although, I'm sure nobody reads those), this was really only part of it. I wrote several thousand words that October as well, then I TRIED to take on another writing challenge in January, failed but still wrote a good amount, and then I won April's Camp NaNoWriMo. That's excluding the ridiculous amount of words I've written in between. This puts me at 160,000 words since I've last written on Wattpad. I'm still writing like this. Which is exactly what has led me to cut off the months of silence. Like I've stated previously, I couldn't possibly just give up, I wouldn't be able to. So, I can't help but wonder whether it would be beneficial or not to rewrite the story entirely?