
Hello! Just wanted to quickly apologise: I won't be able to post an update tonight on ST as I've just recently had some terrible news and it's taking me a long time to adjust and process the huge change that's happening in my life right now.
          	Hope to get the update posted as soon as I'm able to.
          	Apologies again! 


Hello! Just wanted to quickly apologise: I won't be able to post an update tonight on ST as I've just recently had some terrible news and it's taking me a long time to adjust and process the huge change that's happening in my life right now.
          Hope to get the update posted as soon as I'm able to.
          Apologies again! 


Hi Hollie
          its been so long! thanks for following me again :)
          I publish work on this account i would really appreciate it if you checked it out and gave me some feedback :D


@_PolkaDotted_ Hi!! I know and I'm super sorry, life got so chaotic haha. I'll definitely check it out once I've got a spare moment and let you know! 


Hello! I just wanted to quickly pop on here and apologise for the delays in updating this story. I know it's been up for a few years now and I was hoping to have gotten it finished already, but unfortunately different situations arose which left me with little time to focus and just write.
          I've got a couple of chapters typed up on my phone (of which I've wrote whilst sitting in my car waiting to pick people up), so I'm in the process of typing them up on my computer to get them posted.
          I'm hoping to get the next 2 chapters posted in the upcoming weeks, so look out for them. I hope everyone who's followed along with this book so far is doing well, and I hope you all enjoy the story as it progresses :) 


@angstvoll ah thanks so much!! I'm on typing up chapter 4 now. It's a super long one so it's taking a while, but hopefully it'll be up by the end of this week! Fingers crossed youll like it


Really love the way this is starting and can’t wait to continue reading when you update ❤️


@OutOfThisWorldBitch Hi, i've eventually managed to post chapter 3 if you're wanting to continue the story. I've been without a laptop for a while, but i have a new one now so keep an eye out for chapter 4 going up hopefully in the next 2 weeks also!


Thank you soo much for writing sleep talkers! I myself struggle with insomnia and I'm really glad I'm able to finally find someone to relate to, even if it's a fictional character. Anyways um I just wanted to let you know that you're an amazing writer and just thank you :) 


@Netflix_and_Fries aw thank you! I'm pleased you like it and I'm so glad you can relate to the main characters. Hopefully as the story progresses that connection will stay. Thank you very much, that means so much :)


Hey are u South African


@j_abena I'm pleased you like it!


@j_abena oh okay that makes sense too, loving sleep talkers btw


@j_abena I'm not, no haha. I'm from England