
@AkumaNoAsashin Sure. ^_^


Since Wattpad DMs have now been deleted (RIP), I'll leave this message here for you Blueberry. I hope that one day you will remember this account and come to reminisce. Just know that I never forgot about you and I hope that one day in the future we can reconnect once again. I will keep this account open for until Wattpad shuts down, in case you show up again. 
          If you don't have access to the account anymore.. reach out to me on Discord: yooonie. 
          Cya, I hope we see again <3


@AkumaNoAsashin Yeah ^.^ Take your time, a perfectionist standard isn't so awful in writing. Sometimes, it helps you realize and notice things you might not have had you just kind of trucked through it. Don't get engulfed though, that's a whole 'nother animal that needs meds and therapy.
          I'll be around whenever you post. I have a toolbar that alerts me to new notifications attached to my email account. I find it more useful for school, but I rarely miss reviews or messages (or story updates) because of it too! ^_^