
Very good to all, we must present our severe apologies to all those who were waiting for our answers to those who were possibly winners. We have been presented with many inconveniences, so we will retake our evaluation days again. This means that, for those people who wish to enter the contest, they may have the opportunity again. For those who sent your application to participate, do not worry that your post on our list is safe.  Our deadline for admission is not safe, we must depend on the number of participants in the contest, either by the number of participants to compete for a very poorly chosen category, the minority within the competition in general, etc. In addition, we must add, that if in one of the stories/works we find some characteristics that could be part of another category besides the one that the participant chose-in such case that it arrives to win or we need to complete-we will place it in it.
          	Thank you for your attention, we hope you'll accept our apologies for the delay.
          	Att: Founder of Unforgettable Awards. 


Very good to all, we must present our severe apologies to all those who were waiting for our answers to those who were possibly winners. We have been presented with many inconveniences, so we will retake our evaluation days again. This means that, for those people who wish to enter the contest, they may have the opportunity again. For those who sent your application to participate, do not worry that your post on our list is safe.  Our deadline for admission is not safe, we must depend on the number of participants in the contest, either by the number of participants to compete for a very poorly chosen category, the minority within the competition in general, etc. In addition, we must add, that if in one of the stories/works we find some characteristics that could be part of another category besides the one that the participant chose-in such case that it arrives to win or we need to complete-we will place it in it.
          Thank you for your attention, we hope you'll accept our apologies for the delay.
          Att: Founder of Unforgettable Awards. 


Muy buenas a todos, debemos presentar nuestras severas disculpas a todos aquellos que quedaron esperando nuestras respuestas a los que posiblemente fueron ganadores. Se nos han presentado muchos incovenientes, por lo tanto, retomaremos nuevamente nuestros dias de evaluación. Esto quiere decir que, para aquellas personas que deseen entrar en el concurso podran tener nuevamente la oportunidad de hacerlo. Para aquellos que enviaron su solicitud para participar, no se preocupen que su puesto en nuestra lista es segura.  Nuestra fecha tope de admisión no es segura, debemos depender de la cantidad de participantes dentro del certamen, ya sea por la cantidad de participantes a concursar por una categoría muy poco elegida, por la minoría dentro del concurso en general, etc. Ademas, debemos agregar, que si en una de las historias/obras encontramos algunas características que pudieran ser parte de otra categoría ademas de la que el participante escogió -en tal caso que llegue a ganar ó necesitemos completar- lo colocaremos en ella.
          Gracias por su atención, esperemos que acepten nuestras disculpas por la demora.
          Att: Fundador de Unforgettable Awards. 


Hey! Welcome back, we want to give you a statement that several of you have been asking us. In one of our requirements it is found that the person who has the # (HASHTAG) or is participating in another contest will not be able to participate in the Unforgettable Awards 2018.
          Therefore this requirement is totally ruled out, therefore, those persons reason why this requirement prevented them from participating. Now they can again try to participate in our contest, we wish them again luck to all those who aspire to the first place in our categories.
          Success for all!


Hey! Bienvenidos nuevamente, queremos darles un comunicado que varios de ustedes nos han estado preguntando. En uno de nuestros requisitos se encuentra que aquella persona que tenga el # (Hashtag) o este participando en algún otro concurso no podrá participar en los Unforgettable Awards 2018.
          Por lo tanto este requisito queda totalmente descartado, por lo tanto, aquellas personas motivo por el cual este requisito les impedia la participacion. Ahora podran nuevamente intentar participar en nuestro concurso, les deseamos nuevamente suerte a todos aquellos que aspiran el primer lugar en nuestras categorias.
          Exitos para todos!


Hey! Welcome back, we want to give you a statement that several of you have been waiting for. In this way, we give official the final date of evaluation of his works; We appreciate the participation of all those people who took their time to want to participate in the first edition of Nuestrl contest.
          For those people who still want to participate, we say that... there is still a CHANCE to participate!. Because our date scheduled to terminate the evaluation of your novels/works will be on October 15.
          From October 15 will close the center, and those participants who did not send the full requirements to our mail, unfortunately not be able to participate.
          We still invite those who come and participate.
          ATT: Unforgettable Awards 2018.


Hey! Bienvenidos nuevamente, queremos darles un comunicado que varios de ustedes han estado esperando. Por este medio, damos por oficial la fecha final de evaluación de sus obras; agradecemos la participación de todos y todas aquellas personas que tomaron su tiempo de querer participar en la primera edicion de nuestrl concurso.
          Para aquellas personas que aun quieren participar, les decimos que... ¡AUN HAY CHANCE DE PARTICIPAR!. Porque nuestra fecha pautada para dar por finalizado la evaluación de sus novelas/obras sera el 15 de Octubre.
          A partir del 15 de octubre se cerrara el centro, y aquellos participantes que no enviaron los requisitos completos a nuestro correo, lamentablemente no podran participar.
          Igualmente, seguimos invitando aquellas personas que se acerquen y participen.
          Att: Unforgettable Awards 2018.


-Aquellas personas que nos han enviado sus solicitudes de participacion, les damos las gracia por querer participar en el certamen y nos sentimos muy bendecidos de poder conocer sus obras, pero nos gustaria recordarles a todo aquello que desee participar ENVIAR UNA IMAGEN DE REFERENCIA DE LA OBRA, al ya tener todos los requisitos completos entraran oficialmente en los Unforgettables Awards 2018. Muchisimas gracias por su tiempo y para aquellos que estan dentro oficialmente, suerte!
          -Those people who have sent us their requests for participation, we give them the grace for wanting to participate in the contest and we are very blessed to be able to know their works, but we would like to remind you all that you want to participate send an image of reference of the work, to already have all the complete requirements enter officially in the Unforgettables Awards 2018. Thank you very much for your time and for those who are officially in, luck!


-Para las personas que se les complique enviar la informacion a nuestro correo, pueden colocar en los comentarios en la Pagina de las Categorias sus datos para asi poder participar.
          Suerte a todos!
          -For people who are complicate to send the information to our mail, can place in the comments on the page of the categories your data so you can participate.
          Good luck to you all!


-Existe una nueva modalidad para poder participar en los #UnforgettableAwards2018, tendrás que enviar al correo colocado en la bienvenida:
          1. El asunto, dependiendo si vas a participar o pertenecer al equipo #Unforgettables
          2. Usuario en Wattpad
          3. Edad
          5. Nombre de la obra/libro/novela.
          6. Imagen referencial de la portada del libro.
          7.Categoria a participar.
          8.Categoria en la que se basa el libro o novela.
          --There is a new modality to be able to participate in the #UnforgettableAwards2018, you will have to send to the mail placed in the Welcome:
          1. The subject, depending on whether you are participating or belonging to the team #Unforgettables
          2. User at Wattpad
          3. Age
          4. Date of birth, * for contestants this is not necessary to be placed *
          5. Name of the work/book/novel.
          6. Referential image of the cover of the book.
          7. Category to participate.
          8. The category on which the book or novel is based.
          * On the questions placed in the Welcome Chapter/Welcome will only be requested for those who wish to belong to the team #Unforgettables. *