To all members of the LGBTQ+ community,
Happy pride month! I know I'm a little late, so sorry about that! Just know that you are all beautiful no matter what; everyone deserves love, whatever they believe and whoever they like!
I fully support all of you, and if you ever meet a homophobe, transphobe, or generally any rude people, feel free to flip them off from my side. It's already 2020, and change should be on more people's agendas.
It seems like the world is falling into its slow demise, and yet there are a few people who think they still live in the 19th century. The world might just be ending, but people are still... doing this irrational nonsense? Just because someone is transgender doesn't mean that they are a devil. Just because he/she/they don't like the opposite gender doesn't mean he/she/they are reincarnations of Satan. Just because they can't pick one doesn't mean that they are indecisive. And just because that they don't want to be identified as any gender, or by either he or she doesn't mean they are freaks! They are their own people and you should respect that. They can make their own choices, as long as whatever they are doing isn't illegal (looking at people who think pedophiles should be part of the community).
Yes, people can have their opinions about anything, but forcing it on another person is just wrong. You can't force a proud bisexual to like only one gender or a happy gay man to like a girl. It's like telling a dead person to breathe, they already decided their identity, so don't try to change them.
Love is love, no matter who or what you love.
To all the LGBTQ+ haters, please, rethink your ideas. Try to think about this whole situation calmly, okay? If you still think that we are demons, maybe you are the real one.
Have a great day and be being you!
~Aerin, a bisexual girl