
Hi Readers!!!!! 
          	I just wanted to let everyone know that there will be some..."interesting " changes made to BOTH stories. Hopefully very soon But honestly y'all won't know about it...*tears stream down my face* well that is unless you read the story!
          	Keep watch for the change! I hope y'all let me know what you think. Not only about the changes but also the new chapters and such


Hi Readers!!!!! 
          I just wanted to let everyone know that there will be some..."interesting " changes made to BOTH stories. Hopefully very soon But honestly y'all won't know about it...*tears stream down my face* well that is unless you read the story!
          Keep watch for the change! I hope y'all let me know what you think. Not only about the changes but also the new chapters and such


Its not that she's desperate. Its just that she knows what she wants and can't seem to change that no matter how bad it is for her. She can't forget how great it used to be for her....
          But now she's broken and that good, bad, whatever it was thing. Just seems to be a horrid disease.


"Because she forgets how lovely she is and who she really is not what other people make her out to be. That's how she grows to hate herself and begins her new career in her art of draw pictures on her arms while using a blade as the artist's tool."
          My own quote as a reminder to those ones who still face the struggle