
-Tune of Party Rock Anthem-
          	Everyday I'm suffering
          	That's how I feel right now


Totally not me sitting here wanting to see my friend again and wanting to talk to them again but they won't answer my texts and probably got a new number and me over thinking about if they forgot me or got bored of me. 
          I love my mind wanting to hate me. 


Did you know that when someone head is cut off for example an execution with a guillotine the head will stay conscious for at least 12 seconds. 
          Meaning in a guillotine execution the persons named would be yelled after their head being chopped off and they would blink or move their eyes or try to answer for several seconds before the lack only oxygen. 
          Don't know why I should know this but I do. Dont know why I'm sharing it with you. 


@ImmortalAngels I'm learning n more dark stuff like that for no reason


That seems scary but I’m glad I’ve learned a interesting fact. 