
Hi everyone,
          	I know I said that they next chapters of "The aura lives within you" and "dragon ball: how time reverse" would be out soon but I have been doing a lot at the moment. I'm going to hopefully update"the aura lives within you" this weekend


Hi everyone,
          I know I said that they next chapters of "The aura lives within you" and "dragon ball: how time reverse" would be out soon but I have been doing a lot at the moment. I'm going to hopefully update"the aura lives within you" this weekend


Hi everyone, so... I've had been reading some fanfictions with Riley, Sir Aaron, Ash in them ( Not necessarily with in the story.) and I was thinking of maybe trying to write a fiction with the three of them. I think it may be an interesting subject to see how Ash and Riley react to meeting their ancestor. 
          Let me know what you think. Should I try writing something along this line?
          If you have any ideas please let me know down below. Oh and almost forgot I should be uploading the next chapter of 'The final Change and and new chapter' soon. 
          Until next time,


Hi everyone, hope that you are well. I've just realised chapter two of The final change, and new chapter. Don't be surprised if I end up changing it at some point. As I haven't really finished writing it, but I do hope that you do enjoy it. And also have a great weekend/Christmas 


Hi all letting you know that I am working on chapter two of The final change, and new chapter it just may take a bit more time. But it is coming. I also may or may not make a small Christmas special. As it is Christmas next week. So I will try to keep you updated for when the next chapter will come out


Hi all, so I starting to look into making a truth or dare story (Pokemon) if anyone has any ideas on how I should go about it Plz let me know. I've never done one before. Even though I have read some  I still don't have any ideas on how to go with it. Also I sill have  The final change, and new chapter on hold. I have no excuse for not writing on it.  I've been reading a lot of fanfiction stories of pokemon.
          So I'm sorry for not updating for so long.


Hi all, sorry for not updating my book. I not really sure what to do. I think I will have to put it on hold for now until I know what I really want to happen. Once again sorry for not updating my story. I'm writing a story that I think would be much more better than the one that I am doing.