
Heyy guys! It's been so long since I interacted with you guys, and I am really sorry for being so inactive for months. Yes, I am aware that I haven't posted anything since the last chapter, 'Stuck'. And again, I apologize. But I had to inform you that I will be active again after 12th March, the day my annual exams end. I might drop a chapter in the middle as well, so stay tuned. But mainly why I am writing this is to tell you guys how much I love you and appreciate your effort for reading my work. Thank you so much for sticking with me even when I was so busy and couldn't be active. I hope your doing well, and if there's anything that bothers you, please feel free to talk to me❤


@UnicoReesev Omgg,  I cannot wait for ur coming chapters!!


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better <3


@ScarlettBlackDaisy haha,  Ofc!  And I love your work ❤


Heyy guys! It's been so long since I interacted with you guys, and I am really sorry for being so inactive for months. Yes, I am aware that I haven't posted anything since the last chapter, 'Stuck'. And again, I apologize. But I had to inform you that I will be active again after 12th March, the day my annual exams end. I might drop a chapter in the middle as well, so stay tuned. But mainly why I am writing this is to tell you guys how much I love you and appreciate your effort for reading my work. Thank you so much for sticking with me even when I was so busy and couldn't be active. I hope your doing well, and if there's anything that bothers you, please feel free to talk to me❤


@UnicoReesev Omgg,  I cannot wait for ur coming chapters!!


Heyy y'all! I am so sorry for so much inactiveness. Actually,  my online classes have stopped and physical classes have started. Hence not letting me gather enough time for writing my chapters on Wattpad. But now,  that I have sprained my left foot, I can just sit and spend my time on completing my chapters,  hahaha. No-no, the sprain was not intentional,  but it is helping in someway,  so I am a bit grateful anyway. But I really hope it gets well soon,  cuz it's pretty frustrating not to be able to walk properly. So yeah,  chapter 8 is on it's way! And there is no way you can miss it! Lots of love, and hope you are doing well ❤


Heyy my lovely people! I have updated chapter 5  of 'Switched'! Go and have a read! ❤❤❤❤❤


@Bookworm_4life_28 Tyy! Glad you liked it


@UnicoReesev I read it just now, and girlll!  It's so good!!!♥♥♥


Guysssss! 4th chapter of 'Switched' is out now!! Go check it out! And also, did you like the addition of the dividers? Do let me know


Oh! And the dividers! Let meh tell you: Your dividers are so cute and awesome! I really liked how the dividers are related to the chapters and they are so pretty! And your ending decorative is just so classy!☆♥♥


Guysssss! Just posted Chapter 4 "Sofia" ! So go and give it a read! And don't forget to vote, comment and share ✨. 


@UnicoReesev Awwhh!  Tysmm!  Your the best♡


@Bookworm_4life_28 Me: Jumping as soon as YOU start commenting! 
            Yup,  I love.ur comments sm ❤


@UnicoReesev Me : Jumping as soon I get the notification


Heyy y'all! I have created a new cover for my book 'Switched :So Not Normal! ' . Hope it looks good❤


@Bookworm_4life_28 OMG, that's a huge compliment!! Tyyyy❤❤❤ Love ya loadssss


@UnicoReesev prettiest cover I have ever seen!!