
Hi everyone, my magnum opus My Hero, Midoriya - Tododeku story has been removed for violating guidelines after six long years and we'll over 150,000 reads. Thank you for the years of support and encouragement. I would view the comments whenever I sought validation, so this takes a bit of a blow. I tried to appeal it, but it wouldn't even submit and I think that is intentional so that Wattpad can't get my complaint. I doubt anything will be done and it bothers me that I didn't receive a warning. I would have liked to have a record of the story for my own safekeeping, but it was completely wiped from my account. I'm sad about it. I even had trigger warnings and had the story listed under Mature. I guess this is it for me on Wattpad, I can't trust what might be removed — my poems about depression and self harm? I can't commentate on what I want to here and that limits my creativity. My writing is my venting, my healing, my coping. So after many, many years of growth and development in my writing, I'm here to say a final farewell. Goodbye, and thank you for everything.


Hi everyone, my magnum opus My Hero, Midoriya - Tododeku story has been removed for violating guidelines after six long years and we'll over 150,000 reads. Thank you for the years of support and encouragement. I would view the comments whenever I sought validation, so this takes a bit of a blow. I tried to appeal it, but it wouldn't even submit and I think that is intentional so that Wattpad can't get my complaint. I doubt anything will be done and it bothers me that I didn't receive a warning. I would have liked to have a record of the story for my own safekeeping, but it was completely wiped from my account. I'm sad about it. I even had trigger warnings and had the story listed under Mature. I guess this is it for me on Wattpad, I can't trust what might be removed — my poems about depression and self harm? I can't commentate on what I want to here and that limits my creativity. My writing is my venting, my healing, my coping. So after many, many years of growth and development in my writing, I'm here to say a final farewell. Goodbye, and thank you for everything.


There are five new chapters of Meant to Be out right now! If you like angst, fluff, and smut, then you'll enjoy it! Right now, it's really intense and dark with disturbing topics but things get better, and that's what I want the characters to learn through all this. Stay safe everyone and please give me a comment <3


Hi, I'm glad to introduce myself!
          WORDYWONDERS (@wordywonders) – Wattpad
          And you can find my work on my profile. I've written 5 works to date, maybe reading all that is exhausting? But you can check them out, you're gonna like 'em.
          And don't forget to vote on them if you like them! And follow me if you feel it's worth it, I'll be trying my best to update regularly. If you don't want to, I promise I won't bite :D


Hey all, Thanksgiving is coming up and it's been 4, years since I published my Tododeku story. I'm working on a Killugon fanfic that I've devoted my heart and soul to for the past month or so, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd read it and give me your validation lol. It would mean the world to me, seriously. Thank you


@Unicorn-Flakes it is ok!
            And np <3


@LanaMohammedAli oops accidentally didn't respond to you. But thank you for the support on my Tododeku story!! 


@Unicorn-Flakes aw that sucks, you probably wouldn't enjoy it in that case lol. But at the same time, if it's because of their ages, don't worry, they're 14 at the start (nothing happens) and then there's a Time-Skip to them being 18 so 