I'm glad to hear that you found that spark inside, the littlest ray of hope inside of yourself. Now you believe in yourself and you are happier. That made my day. I know that I always want to change my face when I look in the mirror. I am not the most beautiful girl in the world, but I am part of what is now, people's lives. My friends, my family, and even animals. If I changed my face, my neighbors dog wouldn't recognize me. Why? Because I've known him since he was a puppy. It's like buying candy. You have the choice of ( Insert your favorite candy ) and ( Insert your least favorite candy ) and you pick ( Insert your least favorite candy) and you buy it. And e store says no refunds, but than you say that you want ( Insert your favorite candy) and they say, " No Refunds.".
It's like saying, " Too late. You've lived ( Insert age ) years with this face. Too late to change it now." I hope this helped, but then again, maybe it didn't.