QUICK POLL: Pick a genre from:
Are there any combinations of these that you like?
QUICK POLL: Pick a genre from:
Are there any combinations of these that you like?
@Unidentified_Trash I'm good, I woke up this morning to my mother screaming how I missed my alarm and that we had guests in half an hour so I had to clean XD But other than that I'm good! :3
@ABernardnicole03 I give all my villagers random presents and on their birthdays I am like hELLO FRIENDS LETS HAVE SOME FUN YES YES HAVE THE FURNITURE AND THE MONEY HAHAHAHA
@ABernardnicole03 I remember when I used to be obsessed with one of the older ones and my favourite villager moved out... I legit cried. RIP Freckles 2010-2010 Will be missed