alright ya'll this is gonna be a lengthy message but please read i have lost interest in most if not all of my stories... this is a problem of mine where i cannot fully be interested in multiple things at once. i have lost interest in Sonic (soz), Miraculous Ladybug and everything else. if i want to get interested in something again i need to re-watch or re-play or re-read the original things to get interested in it again. ive also been dealing with a few personal issues like Depression (dont pity me its a problem i need to sort out on my own and its also where my story Play the Game came from) and school problems. right now i have a lot more free time because i have left school and i am pursuing a new career but please dont expect me to write stories which i have lost interest in. right now ive been watching Fairy Tail and might get back into the swing of that and continue stories in the Fairy Tail universe. i hate to say that i probably wont ever be interested in Sonic again so im putting those stories up for adoption! pm me if you want to continue them. so anyway most of my stories if not all are discontinued and up for adoption. so im sorry to disappoint you, i have been MIA for a few years and i don't have the nessicary motivation to continue. I thank you guys for sticking with my stories though and to think that a few of my stories have a few THOUSAND reads is amazing to think about but unfortunately those story writing days are over and are up for adoption. thank you for not giving up on me but unfortunately i have given up on myself hence the new name UnimportantExistance Thank you for believing in me once DLotU out