Hey guysss! I'm REALY super sorry that I'm not updating any of my storys. The thing is that I just don't know how to get where I want to go with the story's. That and the fact that my way of writing has been improved and is a lot different from the way I wrote those chapters. I find it hard to continue like how the other chapters are because I don't like the way I wrote it, and I find it weird when my way of writing completely changes throughout the story. I am actually working on a new story, but I will only post it when I'm further into it. For now tough, I would like to hear what you have to say about the storys, and maybe even give me some ideas if you want! That way I will maybe get inspired to finish the storys. Thanks for taking the time for reading this and my storys. It means a lot!
Xxx ~ K
If you would like to say something to me, give me an idea or anything else, you can just send me a message!